Посібник Aresa AR-1701 Кухонний комбайн

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ATTENTION! Before assembling the food processor, make sure that the appliance is not connected to the mains.
Remove the appliance and accessories from the packaging. Do not leave packing materials (bags, polystyrene, etc.) in
accessible places for children to avoid dangerous situations. Clean the appliance with a damp soft cloth. Be sure to wash all
accessories in accordance with the recommendations described in the "Transport, cleaning and storage" section. The food
processor is designed for grinding, whipping, slicing, shredding, mixing, as well as for the preparation of pancakes.
Attention! Before processing products should be cut into pieces.
Attention! Before assembling the device, make sure it's not switched on to the mains.
1. Install a chopper drive axis and the chopper cup to the motor base by turning the bowl with the axis clockwise. The bowl
marking should coincide with the body marking.
2. Install an attachment shaft and chopping blade (or chopping blade/mixing attachment, refer to the photo).
3. Cover the unit with a chopper lid turning it clockwise until the full fixation.
4. Connect the unit to the mains and set the desired speed mode. You can mix or grind the products.
5. The operation time shouldn't exceed 2 minutes.
6. Set the speed switch to 0 after the operation process. Remove the chopper cup from the unit body (by turning it
contraclockwise), remove the lid.
Attention! The blades of the chopping blade are very sharp!
Attention! Before assembling the device, make sure it's not switched on to the mains.
1. Install a chopper drive axis and the chopper cup to the motor base by turning the bowl with the axis clockwise. The bowl marking should coincide
with the body marking.
2. Install a citrus juicer to the bowl turning it clockwise untill the full fixation.
3. Set the cone to the chopper drive axis.
4. Wash any fruit and cut it into halves.
5. Connect the unit to the mains and set the desired speed mode. The cone will circle.
6. Put one half on the fruit to the cone and slightly press it. The unit will start squeezing juice into the cup.
7. Work cyclically: 15 sec. - operation, 15 sec. - a break. Approximately 10 approaches are allowed per time.
Attention! Before assembling the device, make sure it's not switched to the mains.
1. Install the blender cup to the motor base until the full fixation.
2. Peel fruits or vegetables, cut them into small pieces and put them into the blender cup. The products quantity shouldn't exceed the maximum bowl
loading mark.
Important! Never use boiling liquids. Do not use an empty blender.
3. You can add other products into the hole on top of the blender by removing the blender cap. Then again, you can put the blender cap back in place
by turning it counterclockwise until it is completely locked.
4. Connect the unit to the mains and set the desired speed mode.
5. The operating time shouldn't exceed 1 minute.
6. After the operation set the speed switch into 0 position.
7. Remove the blender cup from the motor base, turning it contraclockwise.
Attention! Before assembling the device, make sure it's not switched on to the mains. You can use the disk to prepare emulsions (liquid dough) for whipping eggs
and cream, instant pudding, mayonnaise and biscuit cream.
1. Install a chopper drive axis and the chopper cup to the motor base by turning the bowl with the axis clockwise. The bowl marking should coincide with the body
2. Install an emulsion maker to the attachment shaft and set the bowl.
3. Cover the bowl with the lid by turning it clockwise until full fixation.
4. Set the desired speed mode.
5. Don't use the device continuously for more than 1 minute. Make the breaks for at least 2 minutes.
Attention! Before assembling the device, make sure it's not switched on to the mains.
1. Install a chopper drive axis and the chopper cup to the motor base by turning the bowl with the axis clockwise. The bowl marking should
coincide with the body marking.
2. Install the whisk.
3. Put the products into the cup.
4. Cover the cup with the lidturning it clockwise untill the full fixation.
5. Connect the unit to the mains, set the desired speed mode.
6. Don't use the device continuously for more than 1 minute. Make the breaks for at least 2 minutes.
Before switching on, be sure to install the components of the food processor correctly.
• Do not use accessories that are not included in the delivery.
• Metal discs are very sharp, be extremely careful in handling them. Take the objects away from the cutting edges when using them.
Always remove the disc before pouring the contents out of the bowl.
• This appliance is intended for household use only. Do not use it for commercial or other purposes beyond household use.
• The food processor is designed exclusively for food processing. Do not mix paint and solvents with a food processor.
• Do not use the appliance outdoors.
• Make sure that the plug of the appliance is suitable for your outlet. Otherwise, contact the service center for assistance.
• Do not operate the device with wet hands.
• Follow these instructions.
ATTENTION! Never operate the appliance for more than 2 minutes continuously. After a 2-minute continuous operation, the device must be turned off for a minimum of
2 minutes. Do not operate the appliance until it cools down.
• Do not exceed the maximum allowed amount of product in the bowl.
• The temperature of the product should not exceed 50 ° C.
• Do not use the food processor and its accessories in the microwave oven.
• Never turn on the food processor if it is empty.
• Do not insert fingers or other objects into the opening of the cover.
• Do not use the appliance for hard ingredients (for example: frozen foods, etc.) and inedible parts of products (for example: pits from fruit, meat cartilage, bones, etc.).
Завантажити посібник українською мовою (PDF, 2.02 MB)
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Технічні характеристики

Бренд Aresa
Модель AR-1701
Категорія Кухонні комбайни
Тип файлу PDF
Розмір файлу 2.02 MB

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Часті запитання про Aresa AR-1701 Кухонний комбайн

Наша служба підтримки шукає корисну інформацію про товар і відповідає на поширені запитання. Якщо ви знайдете неточність у наших запитаннях та відповідях, повідомте нас про це, скориставшись контактною формою.

У чому різниця між кухонним комбайном і блендером? Підтверджено

Кухонні комбайни зазвичай можуть переробляти їжу на кубики, скибочки та інші форми. Блендери особливо підходять для подрібнення та змішування їжі.

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